The new design uses a sans-serif typeface, similar to the one used by Google's newly created holding company, Alphabet. The company stated that the new design reflects the way in which people interact with Google products across all devices and apps.
Designing a logo for your company deserves a lot of your attention. The right logo, by its design alone, has the power to attract new customers to your business. To grow your Business, your logo will be your calling card.
Making a huge change to your image long after you've established yourself can be as risky as changing the phone number that all your clients use to contact you. It can cause havoc for you and for them. Google however, has only ever made slight alterations and not wholesale changes to their logo.
For example, would Nike dare contemplate crossing out their iconic Swoosh? There's no need to Google that answer; the Nike Swoosh has become a globally recognisable logo that attracts many consumers to the brand. In fact, prior to 1995, the word "Nike" would accompany the Swoosh on all merchandise. However, due to the instantly recognizable nature of the Swoosh, and as a form of de-branding (to appear less corporate and more personal), Nike successfully uses the Swoosh as a stand-alone brand logo.
Here are a few points to help you understand the importance of a logo for your business:
The Face of Your Company
When your business becomes successful, your logo will become your stamp of success; letters, emails, merchandising and marketing material will proudly display your highly recognizable "face" without the need for much explanatory text.
Take McDonald's' legendary "Golden Arches" symbol as an example. According to an article on Business Insider, a survey by Sponsorship Research International found that 88% could identify the arches and only 54% could name the Christian Cross (as reported by Fast Food Nation).
When you create a logo that is as identifiable as McDonald's, you're on the right path.
The Specifics of Design
Let it speak to customers in a way that is inviting, memorable and informative.
Google's colors are instantly identifiable and the lettering is clear, comprehensible, and accessible. It's not harsh or edgy—qualities that would not as effectively convey the character of their user-based service.
Typically, cutting-edge firms and tech companies tend to have angular lines to convey speed, while service-oriented firms have rounded logos to provide a sense of trust. Consider the logos of the following tech companies:
- Microsoft
- Hewlett-Packard
- Canon
- Bupa
- Vistaprint
Know your company. Design accordingly.
Return on Investment
Some of the world's biggest companies spend millions of dollars on their logos because they realize the importance of a good brand and image. In 2000, BP (British Petroleum) spent $208 million (£136m) introducing its current sunflower design. Some companies can easily spend thousands of dollars altering single details such as font and color.
Over time, as customers begin to familiarize themselves with your logo, they'll begin to trust the company behind "the face" and will be more likely to respond actively to successive encounters with the logo—potentially leading to increased customers and sales.