Monday 7 December 2015

Twitter Is for Twits

It seems that every week there's some new fang dangle internet marketing tool that is going to change everything.

Twitter is one of them. It's everywhere. People are talking about it on the radio, on TV... heck, last night David Letterman was talking about it on the Late Show.

You'd think with all of these trillions of people using it, that there'd be some way to tap into it and promote your business.

Well, 4 or 5 months ago, I thought that. But to be honest, I've always thought (and I know I'm not the only one) that it's kinda lame.

I mean, who wants to be sitting at their computer writing things like:

'Going to bed'

'Just got a coffee...mmm, coffee wakes me up'

'My dog is out the window- she is a labrador'

Do people really care about that?

Well apparently they do, because everyone's using it.

So I wanted to get in on this and see if I could get new leads with it.

I decided I'd outsource it.

I went on Elance, found a 'Social Media Expert' (don't ask me what the qualifications are for that one) and negotiated a price.

In fact, I was surprised just how cheap it was.

$50 for 1000 followers. Bargain!

The lady expert told me it'd take about a week or two to get a 1000, so it might take some time to build up a following.

Well, fast forward 3 or 4 months, and I now have over 5,000 followers.

5,000 fans, who are hanging onto every word I utter.

And each of those 5,000 have others who can see there page, so there could be tens of thousands of fans listening to me.

I'm practically famous.

So you'd think with all of my fans, that if I just tweeted once or twice about my home business and threwe in a couple of URLs that I'd get at least 10 leads.

I mean c'mon, 10 leads out of 5000 people...that's like a .001% response rate- I'm not asking for much here.

Well my friends, I'm sad to say that after having been doing exactly that for the past few months, the total number of sales I've had as a result of my Twitter tweets adds up to....

0. Nada. Nilch. Not one.

In fact, I don't think I've even got one lead. Not one measly lead!

So now that I'm a little bit wiser, I'm telling you all that Twitter is over-rated.

It's really all just a bunch of hype, and the reason it's become the hot new topic among internet marketers is because there's so much money to be made on selling courses on Twitter.

Either that, or maybe I'm just not doing it right (which wouldn't be the first time).

What do you guys think about this? Have any of you used Twitter and gotten results?

If so leave me a comment, I'd love to know what you're doing to get results with it.


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